Save The Park Project

Riverside Minor Baseball Association, in cooperation with a number of community partners, has developed a conceptual plan for Riverside Baseball Park and former Riverside Memorial Arena lands.

We believe this park is an important public asset that should be enjoyed by the citizens of Riverside (and the broader Windsor community) for generations to come. This land was donated to the community more than 80 years ago with the purpose of creating a central gathering point for the community of Riverside. Sports and other local events have been happening there ever since.

Click here to see the Formal Proposal!

Work is well underway to make this project a reality, but we still need your help!

We need to let our elected leaders know that this project is important for the community of Riverside and Windsor as a whole. We need you to call, email, or talk with your councillor about why we need to Save the Park for future generations! Click here for a full list of councillor’s email addresses and phone numbers.

If you know anyone who hasn’t yet signed the petition or requested a lawn sign, they can do so online at the links in the menu bar above. We also have a number of project committees which are open to anybody who would like to volunteer their time on the project. If you’re interested, please contact Riverside Minor Baseball Association for more information.



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